We know sometimes you need a little financial help to get things started. That's why we've partnered with financial institutions to help make your financing easy!
We know going to a bank and explaining why you need money to support growing your business can be daunting. That's why we've partnered with Heartland Credit Union. All you need to do is fill out the application! You don't have to explain to them why you need marketing, or what your campaign is going to be. It couldn't be simpler!
Step 1: Visit the Hearland Credit Union Application Page
Step 2: Select if you are a current member of Heartland Credit Union (You don't need to be a current member!)
Step 3: Select "Retail Financing" as the type of loan requested
Step 4: Put the CheckSix Marketing invoice amount as the "Requested Amount"
Step 5: Use code "99008" for CheckSix Marketing.
Step 6: Complete the rest of the required information.
Step 7: Click Submit!
Heartland Credit Union will contact you about your application!